
Showing posts from June, 2018

DIRECT DRILLING ROTARY RIG - Drilling capacity 1800 feet


Direct Drilling Rotary rig (Drilling capacity:-2000' feet)


Drilling Rotary Rig Capacity: 2000 feet.


Contact/Whatsaap For More Details: +91-9624429192

    DETAIL SPECIFICATIONS OF THE  DIRECT ROTARY DRILLING RIG            HAVING 1200’ To 2000 ’ DILLING CAPACITY 16         LEVELING JACK                                                                The rig should be provided with suitable 4 nos. built-in hydraulic leveling jacks and 2 nos. extra mechanical jacks will be provided along with the rig for leveling purposes with suitable arrangements to support the rotary table.            17          NIGHT LIGHT                        ...

Contact/Whatsaap For More Details: +91-9624429192

DETAIL SPECIFICATIONS OF THE DIRECT DRILLING ROTARY RIG            HAVING 1200’ To 2000 ’ DILLING CAPACIT 11               DRAW WORKS provided on each drum. The draw works shaft will be made of nickel chome alloy steel and mounted on spherical roller or ball bearings. The draw works will be driven through 6 speed (five forword and one reverse) transmission. 12               kelley            The Kelley will be of heavy duty telescopic steel construction specially designed to give smooth and trouble free performance, inner wash pipe will be made of 150mm dea heavy duty seamless pipes having minimum 8.00 mm wall thickness. The size of outer and inner Kelley will be 300 mm and 200 mm nominal bore. The Kelley will be provided with a specilly des...

Contect/Whatsaap For More Details: +91-9624429192

  DETAIL SPECIFICATIONS OF THE DIRECT DRILLING ROTARY RIG             HAVING 1200’ To 2000 ’ DILLING CAPACITY 07                MUD PUMP                                 The mud pump will be capable of lifting the cuttings and solings up to at                        maximum rate of drilling. A suitable designed pump delivering the maximum quantity of water not less than 4500 LPM and with the maximum requisite pressure driven by the main power unit through suitable PC clutch drive and with independent control, will be provided on the Rig. The pump should be complete with gate valves and quick oprating arrangemen...

Contact for More Details: +91-9624429192 Full-Specifications post in _post-3,post-4,post-5,post-6

    DETAIL SPECIFICATIONS OF THE DIRECT ROTARY DRILLING RIG            HAVING 1200’ To 2000 ’ DILLING CAPACITY 01               RIG : Reverse rotary drilling rig will be mounted on suitable Ashok   Leyland TATA Truck chassis 6 * 2 (Six wheels) complete with Driver's cab. Two wheel   drive provided by the disel engine of the truck chasis for operation and transportation along with the following equipment specification. 02               MAST :               The mast of the ring will be of all steel tubular welded constructions permitting about 9 to 10 metes clearance between the rotary table and the of the sheaves. The heavy duty ‘C’ class pipes (3”,2”,1 ½’) for the manufacture of the mast should be used for t...
India largest Drilling RIG and Equipments manufacturer  Direct rotary drilling rig will be mounted on suitable Ashok  Leyland TATA Truck chassis 6 * 2 (Six wheels) complete with Driver's cab. Two wheel  drive provided by the disel engine of the truck chasis for operation and transportation along with the following equipment specification. Contact for More Details: +91-9624429192

Manufacturer of drilling RIG and drilling Equipments. CONTECT +91-9624429192 E-mail:

    SPECIFICATIONS OF THE DIRECT ROTARY DRILLING RIG            HAVING 1200’ To 2000 ’ DILLING CAPACITY 01               RIG : Direct rotary drilling rig will be mounted on suitable Ashok   Leyland TATA Truck chassis 6 * 2 (Six wheels) complete with Driver's cab. Two wheel   drive provided by the disel engine of the truck chasis for operation and transportation along with the following equipment specification. 02               MAST :               The mast of the ring will be of all steel tubular welded constructions permitting about 9 to 10 metes clearance between the rotary table and the of the sheaves. The heavy duty ‘C’ class pipes (3”,2”,1 ½’) for the manufacture of the mast should be used for talking th...