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           HAVING 1200’ To 2000 ’ DILLING CAPACITY

07              MUD PUMP
                                The mud pump will be capable of lifting the cuttings and solings up to at                        maximum rate of drilling. A suitable designed pump delivering the maximum quantity of water not less than 4500 LPM and with the maximum requisite pressure driven by the main power unit through suitable PC clutch drive and with independent control, will be provided on the Rig. The pump should be complete with gate valves and quick oprating arrangement. The size of suction and delivery pipe would be 150mm nominal dia. Duly supported with the mud hose.
08              JET EDUCATOR
                              The equipment will be provided with suitable jet educator to support the mud pump. The jet venturing mechanism will have no moving parts and will be activated by 4 to 6 nozzles the educator will be connected by suitable arrangement to the force pump.
(A)  The mud pump will be provided with 75mm sluice valve or of higher size for priming of the main pump.
(B)  A suitable vacumme pump with a hydraulic motor and suitable vacuum gauge may also be provided, if desired, for priming the main pump as a stand by arrangement.
10              ROTARY TABLE
                               The rotary table will be mounted on two thrust bearings of suitable type to avoid vibration and should be of totally permitting bits of 27” dia. The rotary table will be of totally enclosed design preventing entry of mud, sand and grit. The ritary table gear and pinion should run completely immersed in lubricants. The rotary table will be provided with 6 speeds-5 forword and one reverse transmission . the drill pipe slip should be fixed on the rotary table and its operation should be hydraulically controlled and its contol should be placed at a suitable place.
11              DRAW WORKS
                             2 NOS. suitable drums will be provided and mounted on suitable ball bearings capable of working independently and simultaneously operated by suitable study dog clutches. Each drum will be provided with a brake and brake area will be sufficient to hold weight of the assembly very easily by the operator. Both the wintches should be of the same and max load handling capacity. Suitable length of 22 mm dia, steel wire rope will be
